Is a professional learning culture possible?
Today the reality is that if schools are going to fully realise their ambitions, leadership has to be at the very core of the organisation,

Identifying education’s CPD priorities
Leadership isn’t just a case of a strong headteacher or senior leadership team. If schools are going to fully realise their ambitions, leade

Performance related pay for teachers - 5 steps to ensure a robust policy
Performance related pay may have many detractors but it is a reality and it is happening. The preparations really should have started back i

In pursuit of the CPD Ideal
All leaders want their teachers to have good quality CPD that develops them as individuals and makes a measurable and significant contributi

If schools want professional development to work, they should do it themselves
Each Wednesday, staff spend the first half of a two-hour session in 'teaching and learning communities'. These may include managemen

Getting the CPD balance right
All school leaders want their staff to participate in good quality CPD that develops them as individuals and makes a measurable and signific

Clear and common goals needed for performance-related pay
Performance-related pay (PRP) is one of the biggest shifts in the pay and career structure of the teaching profession in history. As revolut

Views on how to ensure your school's CPD programme is effective
All school leaders want their teachers to have good-quality CPD that develops them as individuals and makes a measurable and significant con

Schools speed up adoption of online improvement systems and report positive results
Forty per cent of school leaders now use online systems to manage processes such as school development planning, self-evaluation, CPD and pe

Professional Development - the growing case for evidence
When teachers first enter the profession, it is often encouraging to see their approach to self-evaluation. They look at their practice clos