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5 Steps for Effective CPD

5 Steps for Effective CPD

For Effective CPD follow these 5 simple steps.

Step 1 -

Embed CPD in leadership and culture - involve staff in determining the school’s professional development priorities and the opportunity for choice so that teachers’ CPD is relevant to their needs and their pupils.

Step 2 -

Prioritise CPD - in terms of timetable and budget: obviously, limitations and pressures on both but it is important that CPD is sustained over a period of at least two terms and ideally more, and that teachers have the time and space to embed that effectively in their practice.

Step 3 -

Ensure CPD is based around pupil need - CPD should not be led by external pressures, but by the needs of pupils. Staff should have the freedom to innovate and try out different interventions to meet the needs of their pupils, and not feel stifled by external pressures, such as Ofsted.

Step 4 -

Evaluate your efforts – Rigorous evaluation against pupil outcomes helps ensure that CPD continually meet the needs of both staff and pupils.

Step 5 -

Empower teachers to drive CPD and collaborate - professional learning is most effective when teachers collaborate and share practice. One effective example of this is lesson study, a collaborative enquiry approach.

For more information on how these processes can be realised within the only award-winning school improvement management software book your demonstration today.

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