What are the benefits of using our Software?
Mosaic's award winning school improvement software provides you with a wide selection of features to support your leadership, but what benefits does it actually provide?
We've set out a clear selection of the most common benefits that our schools have told us they experienced from adopting our award winning school improvement software. Could you be looking to improve any of your systems in the same way?
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Centralising your school improvement provides you and your staff with the reassurance of always knowing where they can find essential information, objectives or evidence.
Our award-winning school improvement software helps to organise and manage your school improvement plans, self-evaluation, performance management portfolio’s, observations and teacher’s professional development.
How many different systems, files or folders are those currently in? And how much effort is involved in getting the focussed analyses you need?

Standardising your approach to school improvement and ensuring there is consistency throughout the school helps to simplify the process of analysing and reporting. Having all staff working in the same place, within the same structure and addressing the same key issues in context with their role, means that you can produce instant analysis and ensure you’re comparing like for like.
Some systems enable uploading and sharing of documents; our award-winning system replicates the underlying processes exist within your school.

Simplify your school improvement by having everything in one place, working within one structure and with instant analysis. Manually cross referencing and duplicating the administration of your school improvement processes serves only to frustrate, consume valuable time and eventually dilute the quality of the work as staff become less inclined to maintain up to date records for performance. Add to that the reality that the more you record, the greater the workload when trying to create accurate analyses and reports.
Mosaic makes the whole process very simple, efficient and, most importantly, incredibly easy to use for staff of all capabilities.

Collaborating around your school improvement, whether it be within the school, across your trust or with consultants & partners anywhere in the world, is made easy with our award-winning school improvement software.
We have created all the necessary tools to engage with others through sharing content and aggregating analyses across established structures. You can even collaborate with specialist consultants that have partnered with Bluewave to produce end-to-end solutions on current educational topics.

Distributing your school improvement goals demonstrates strong distributed leadership and helps to engage staff to take ownership of their responsibilities. Our award-winning school improvement software makes it easy to create consistent structures that can be easily distributed to the relevant teams or individuals.
Distribute your action plans, performance objective and professional development across any number of individuals, teams or schools and realise the benefits of consistency and instant access analysis.

Setting challenging school improvement objectives is key to ensuring that the school and the individual are always improving; standing still is as good as going backwards in this challenging educational climate.
Set consistent and achievable targets within our award-winning software and monitor activities, engage support, offer feedback and report on progress, all within one consistent centralised system.
Our collaboration feature enables Challenge Reviews or Strategic Support to be delivered by your chosen expert from anywhere in the world. Tap into best practice, keep your costs down.

Empowering your teachers is an essential step towards achieving your school improvement goals. Integrating your professional development plans directly with your performance management, observations, school improvement plans and professional standards helps to produce a dynamic picture of staff development needs.
Connecting the right people with the right training becomes a simple process with our award-winning school improvement software, as you track and manage requests, events, evaluations and value for money.
Our unique approach to ‘evidence of impact of CPD’ couldn’t be easier and enables pupil progress data to be directly linked to staff development.

Disseminate your school improvement strategy through your school, trust or federation with simple steps to share action plans from one school to another. Each school will be able to assign their own relevant experts and customise pre-defined elements to their own circumstances.
This is the perfect tool for Executive Headteachers or any organisation that shares leadership responsibilities across multiple sites or schools. Understanding the organisations strengths and collective progress towards your objectives couldn’t be easier and can enable immediate access to information that might otherwise be difficult to access or inconsistent between sites.

Monitoring your school improvement strategies via your school improvement plans, performance management, observations and professional standards couldn’t be simpler with our award-winning software. Simply login to your school or trust data, filter by individuals, teams or schools and review detailed or summary reports of progress before producing professional, polished reports.
Leadership at all levels will be able to access and monitor the progress relevant to their roles. Governors, Improvement Partners and Inspectors can all be given controlled access to see where your hard work is paying off and engage in further support.

Evidence your school improvement with our simple 4 step process – Evaluate, grade, attach evidence & connect. Speed and ease are essential to encourage regular evaluation and diary notes of progress towards your school improvement targets. Being able to complete your evaluation and evidence process within 60 seconds means staff can spend less time on administration and more time developing and delivering their practice where it matters most.
Our award-winning school improvement software allows your teachers and support staff to upload documentary evidence and data to combine with their self-evaluation. Online references can also be included to link to other systems or resources you may have about the progress you’re already making.

Validate your school improvement evidence and promote appropriate contributions from all staff to feature in high level school reports such as your Common Inspection Framework or indeed any other framework you choose to evaluate against. Demonstrate how the grass roots contributions from staff align with your school vision and strategy to provide the evidence base for your own high level summary of achievement.
Our award-winning package is the first to facilitate the virtuous circle of Plan-Enable-Do -Review. These processes are seamlessly linked ensuring that everyone can see how their individual contribution impacts on the organisation as a whole and you can be confident that you have quality and depth of information and evidence.

Aggregate your school improvement contributions from all staff and all evidence sources to produce instant analyses for Performance Management Portfolio’s, Professional Standards, Lesson Observations, Professional Development Activities and much more. Whether you’re a small team, a department, a whole school or a large Multi Academy Trust, recording individual contributions enables you to build whatever ‘big picture’ you need.
One of the main benefits in disseminating your vision throughout your school or Trust is that each person can contribute individually and in context with their role. Once aggregated in your chosen format, this collection of contributions and evidence provides a very deep and rich picture of any aspect of school improvement. This is what differentiates Bluewave from other systems and is the reason why it is the only award winning system of its kind.

Investigate any aspect of your school improvement strategy from the high-level analyses to the very detailed review of evidence and data. Each process can be summarised for high-level review such as Inspection Frameworks, Action Plans, Performance Objectives, Lesson Observations and Professional Development secure in the knowledge that each summary is informed by the detail lying beneath. This enables thorough investigation so that challenges can be identified and informs leaders as to what actions they need to take to remedy the situation.
As the only award-winning system of its kind, Bluewave provides a very sophisticated and easy to use approach for all stakeholders to be fully informed of where progress is good and where it needs further development. All of this is available simply by recording the everyday achievements of your staff in one central place, bringing everything together where it makes sense.

Analyse everything that goes into making up your school improvement picture from an individual member of staff all the way through to large Multi Academy Trusts. Most other systems simply enable you to upload documents to a central space so that they are accessible by all staff. The key difference with Bluewave is that as well as uploading documents which can presented as evidence, its main purpose is to enable evaluation of practice for all staff. From there, analyses of practice and evidence is easily achieved.
Schools are recording more data than ever before but many are still struggling to understand why things aren’t improving as much or as quickly as they would like. The answer is ‘context’. As the only award-winning system of its kind, Bluewave is first and foremost a self-evaluation system. This enables data to be presented in context which can then be presented and analysed to inform stakeholders. This enables schools to move away from a situation where they are ‘data rich, information poor’ and provides ‘business intelligence’ at all levels. Quite simply, Bluewave is the professional approach to strategic management and analysis of performance and school improvement strategy.

Report against any Evaluation Framework, Action Plan or against aspects of Performance Management and Professional development. Reports can be presented in summary or in great detail with documentary evidence attached to support your findings. All reports can be tailored to suit the purpose of the report and the intended recipient, ensuring that decision making is informed by a consistent approach to performance improvement.
Bluewave is the only award-winning system of its kind, largely because it facilitates multiple connections of evaluation and evidence. In practical terms this means each person can generate the maximum value from recording their contributions by connecting them to more than one area of responsibility. This ensures that all reports all fully cross-referenced and that unnecessary time spent on duplication of effort is avoided.