
Mosaic's Marketplace is a fantastic resource to allow schools to access a selection of expert Evaluation Frameworks.
All contributors have been chosen for their expertise in their respective fields and as such we also encourage schools to share their content as well.
Work towards a state of organisational wellbeing with Dr. Max Coates, who has developed a Wellbeing model and a powerful set of tools to assist school leaders in assessing their approach to wellbeing. Begin your journey by completing our Wellbeing Evaluation Framework. This will signpost you to assess your areas of strength as well as those areas of practice where further development is required.
The Safeguarding of children within your care is of paramount importance. You cannot afford to get this wrong. Assess your provision to find out what you could be doing better, engage with the experts and follow a plan designed to help you improve.
Identifying Emerging Leaders
Identifying those who have the potential to become tomorrow’s leaders is a complex, time consuming and highly skilled job. A job which many of the current cohort of Headteachers simply do not have the time to do. This is why we have worked with our partners at Open Minds Associates to produce an end-to-end solution aimed at practically helping today’s Headteachers identify and retain the next generation of school leaders.
Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership is an Evaluation Framework authored by Viv Grant, Director, Integrity Coaching. Working in partnership with Bluewave, Viv has created this challenging and insightful approach which is aimed at individual Headteachers or those on the journey to headship.
Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistant's
Working in conjunction with The Teaching Assistant College, the experts in maximising the impact of teaching assistants in schools, Bluewave Education is offering an exclusive, online, end-to-end solution to aid your school in adopting the best methods for effective integration and deployment of teaching assistants.
National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools
The national minimum standards that boarding schools must meet to safeguard and protect the children in their care.
National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools
The national minimum standards that boarding schools must meet to safeguard and protect the children in their care.
Schools Financial Values Standard
The Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) is a mandatory requirement for local authority (LA) maintained schools. The SFVS has been designed with schools to help them in managing their finances and to give assurance that they have secure financial management in place.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Working in conjunction with Seven Hills, experts in Health & Wellbeing in the workplace, Bluewave Education is offering an end-to-end solution to aid your school in improving the Mental Health and Wellbeing of all staff within your school community.
Based upon various reference sources including "Learning Behaviour: Lessons Learned" (Sir Alan Steer) and authored by a Head of Service for Health and Wellbeing, this Evaluation Framework will guide you to the key areas of focus when addressing Behaviour.
Pupil Premium
The Evaluation Framework looks at the range of issues underlying the thinking behind the Pupil Premium, funding introduced by the government to address some of the greatest inequalities remaining in our society and in our schools.
School Governance
This Evaluation Framework has been created to encourage and enable assessment of Governance across the school by your chosen group. It is based upon the Ofsted report as referenced below and is intended to provide the school with an established structure which may give some reassurance they are addressing the key aspects of Governance.
Career Stage Expectations
If you're looking for a suite of career stage expectations, even if only as a starting point, several of our schools have shared their full collection of career stage expectation reports helping you to track teacher progress against specific expectations relevant to their experience and evidence base.